The History of Watertown Llamas

I first fell in love with llamas in 2004, purely by chance, and could never have guessed what the impact of that encounter would be over nearly two decades and 300 llamas later !! My first llamas were a rescue group, affectionately known as the Norfolk Broads, origins unknown, unhandled and very probably inbred, but what a learning curve for a complete novice! One of them was a woolly llama, rather grumpy, nick-named Mrs Mop, shortened to Mrs M, and lengthened eventually to Emily! Sadly Em died of old age in 2007 but the woolly llama seed was sown, and in 2008 I had the great good fortune to buy my foundation herd of woolly llamas from Paul and Judy Rose on their retirement. The Roseland Llama Herd specialised in lanuda and tampuli llamas, and over the years Paul had imported several fine llamas from Europe , one of whom fathered Roseland Talisman , our stud llama , a handsome gentle giant , who in turn fathered the next Grand Champion Llama at Newbury Show .We were very lucky to be able to buy llamas from this very special herd.

Inspired by Pauls example and his beautiful imports, in 2009 I followed his footsteps and went shopping in Europe for more woolly llamas! My first importation from Switzerland from Lamas of Switzerland, and Italy Lamas de Oro , arrived early in 2010, and included 5 males and 7 females. Since then the woolly llama herd has gone from strength to strength, but so too has my addiction to these wonderful animals, and after more retail therapy in Italy in 2014 my next importation of 16 woolly llamas from the Lamas de Oro herd were duly delivered in 2015 , and a further two in 2016 . 2017 saw the arrival of another 19 imports from Canada and the USA , including three Argentine males and some beautiful suri llamas. Since then I have made further imports from Germany, Italy and Austria . I hope you will enjoy meeting them all through the pages of this website and in our database. The llama farm is not open to the public and we no longer offer llama trekking , but we do have many beautiful llamas for sale , just waiting for you to fall in love with them too !