Useful Reading

Within the books listed below you will find many contradictions and differences of opinion, conflicting advice and differing practices. It is up to you to decide whose philosophy to follow, but the authors are all united in endeavouring to put the llamas best interests first. From each publication there is a wealth of useful information and valuable insights into llama husbandry, inspiring you to learn even more!


Llamas and Alpacas - A guide to management by Gina Bromage

Caring for Llamas and Alpacas - A health and Management Guide by Clare Hoffman & Ingrid Asthmus

The Camelid Companion by Marty McGee-Bennett

Packing with Llamas by Stanlynn Daugherty

Llamas for Love and Money by Rosanna Hart

Living with Llamas by Rosanna Hart

Llamas - An introduction to Care Training & Handling by Sandi Burt

Storeys Guide to Raising Llamas by Gale Birutta

Making the most of your Llama by Dr Linda Beattie